Tarawera Ultra Marathon
Tarawera 100 Miler
The big daddy in the Tarawera Ultra Marathon series. Both physically and mentally challenging, this miler requires solid preparation and training to complete. As a Western States qualifier, the TUMMiler offers a decent 5,500m D+ and brings some solid athletes (and quick finish times) to the starting lineup. That sub 30 hr finish gets you the WSER100 lottery ticket, and that’s where we want you to be…
A gorgeous point to point course taking you around various lakes to the south east of Rotorua, along single track, jeep & forest roads. But an early start means both sleep deprivation from the get-go and the fatigue at the backend of the course, with a guarantee of an entire night's running slap bang in the middle.
So you’ll need an arsenal of tips, tricks and varied training to get you well prepped to tackle this iconic event.
Our structured training plan is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks with sufficient rest and recovery in between. We gradually build your aerobic and anaerobic engine to get you to physically peak going into the race.
During our 16 week training program, we work off your solid base and build on your experience with varied sessions from overnight runs, speedwork, hill reps and long weekend efforts, having you arrive at the start line ready to tackle this beautiful course.
Join us in training for this epic TUM165k run (a bucket list race for many!) and we will make sure you smash it with energy to spare for a beer at the end!
5 - 19.5
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Tarawera 102km
Touted as one of the “most scenic in the world”, this 102km ultra is a must do on the UTM© world circuit. Passing 5 lakes, stunning scenery with a finish along the beautiful shores of Lake Rotorua, you’ll forget the strain and hardships this event brings, provided you’ve trained appropriately!
The relatively flat 100k course with 3,000m D+ will give you the opportunity to record some quicker times, but make no mistake, a solid base and decent training is required to reach your goals here. The gorgeous point to point course takes you from well east of Rotorua, skirting the Rotoiti Forest, and along Lake Tarawera. You’ll be in awe passing ancient old Redwood trees and you may just forget about the rigours this race brings. You’ll want to be well prepared in your training leading up to the event, allowing both faster finishing times and sufficient fitness to enjoy everything this course has to offer.
Our structured 14 week plan is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks with sufficient rest and recovery in between. Varied hill repeats and longer interval training are a staple of this plan, teaching your body to operate swiftly and efficiently out there on the course.
We’ve included sufficient speed work to up your VO2 max and a few longer runs with progressive efforts having you pushing into the final KMs of your training runs. This helps adapt the system to enable you to easily tackle those multiple shorter climbs that make up the jarring 3,000m D+, and still have enough in the tank for the final finishing stretch.
We gradually build your aerobic and anaerobic engine to get you to physically peak going into the race. Join us in training for this epic 100k run in the Tarawera Ultra Marathon series and we will make sure you smash it with energy to spare for a beer at the end!
4 - 12.5
Plan Start Date
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Tarawera 50km
A solid first timer ultra event here, with world class scenery and trails that’ll fulfil any trail enthusiast’s itch for an outdoor extravaganza. This course is peppered with many smaller climbs and a net uphill gradient for the first 40km, meaning you’ll move back and forth between speed walking and running. But don’t worry, we’ll have you covered with our training!
A relatively (hah) flat course, the 1,500m D+ will mean some faster ultra times and maybe even a PB, provided you've put in the right kind of training! The course takes you through the beautiful forests to the south of Rotorua along shaded single track finishing on the shores of Lake Rotorua. You’ll want to be well prepared leading up to the race to allow both faster finishing times and sufficient fitness to enjoy both the runnable trains and incredible scenery on offer!
Our structured 12 week plan is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks with sufficient rest and recovery in between. Varied hill repeats and longer interval training are therefore a staple of this plan, teaching your body to operate swiftly and efficiently out there on the course.
We have included sufficient speed work to up your VO2 max and a few longer runs with progressive efforts having you pushing into the final KMs of your training runs. This helps adapt the system to enable you to easily tackle those (multiple) shorter climbs and have enough in the tank for the longer downhill in the latter stages of the race, towards that awesome finishing line…
We gradually build your aerobic and anaerobic engine to get you to physically peak going into the race. Join us in training for this epic run and we will make sure you smash it with energy to spare for a beer at the end!
4 - 10
Plan Start Date
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Tarawera 21km
The Tarawera Ultra Marathon 21k is a great point to point trail race, finishing along the gorgeous Rotorua Lake shore. A relatively new entry on the UTMB© circuit, this distance offers something for those new to the sport and hopefully lay the seed for more trail races in the future.
With a mix of both trails and forest roads, the course is a relatively flat (in trail run terms) and fast race. The course takes you through gorgeous shrubbery, forests and roads finishing at the festive Lake Rotorua shores. The exceptional beauty along the course will have you wanting more and running this race will hopefully plant the seed for more trail races down the line!
The float TUM21 training program is a race targeted plan catering towards this trail event, which comprises a very decent 734m D+. Multiple short but steep climbs with overall manicured terrain has those running the event often surprising themselves with faster than anticipated finishing times, provided you’ve put in the training that is…
Shorter hill repeats and interval training are a staple of this plan, teaching your body to operate swiftly and efficiently out there on the course. Our structured 12 week plan is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks with sufficient rest and recovery in between.
We have included sufficient speed work to up your VO2 max and a few longer runs with progressive efforts having you pushing into the final KMs of your training runs. This helps adapt the system to enable you to easily tackle those shorter climbs and have enough in the tank for the longer downhill just after the halfway mark, towards your finish at Lake Rotorua.
We gradually build your aerobic and anaerobic engine to get you to physically peak going into the race.
Join us in training for this epic run and we will make sure you smash it with energy to spare for a beer at the end!
3 - 7
Plan Start Date
Race Date