
RuNyanga 100 Miler
The big daddy of the weekend - the RuNyanga Miler! You’re looking at 1.5 to 2 nights of sleep deprivation with this high altitude race which brings many tricky variables to the table. Running along the hills in a country like this will be such a treat, but come in prepared to enjoy the experience.
The course runs between 1,360m to 2,569m above sea level and the high altitude will inevitably take a toll and make running in Joburg seem like a breeze. You’ll need to train smart with this one and that’s where we come in with our 16-week 100 Miler program. Along with the actual running training, we discuss everything from altitude acclimatisation to hydration tactics to drop bag and race pack advice.
Our structured coaching plan comprises BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, with sufficient rest and recovery built in to avoid injury. We've included speed work to build your aerobic engine, uphill repeats to tackle the 6,100m D+ this race brings which include downhill bursts too. It’s about conditioning the legs not just to handle the long uphill sections, but also to enable them to handle the quad busting descents along the course.
We also have a dedicated race group for any tips, tricks and ideas you and your fellow runners may have along with almost daily tidbits of information and advice we’ve gained from 33+ years of running experience.
Your coaches are always online, ready to answer any questions you have, and aim to have you physically peaking going into the race. Come train with us and let’s smash Zimbabwe’s first 100 Miler together!
5 - 17
Plan Start Date
Monday 12th June 2023
Race Date
Friday 29th September 2023

RuNyanga 50 Miler
Our favourite distance, the ‘Fiddy’. You are looking at the ideal mix of a full day's worth of running with some decent night time demons thrown in. Combined with the high altitude the RuNyanga 50 miler brings and running along the hills in a country like you’d best come prepared to enjoy the experience!
Just like the 100 Miler, the course runs between 1,367m and 2,553m above sea level so you’ll need to be ready to run at altitude, a regular training plan won’t cut it. In our 14-week program we enhance the regular running training sessions with extra advice on everything from altitude acclimatisation to nutrition and hydration tactics, and heaps more.
The plan is structured around 4 blocks: BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER, with sufficient rest and recovery built in to avoid injury. There’s sufficient speed work to build your aerobic engine, uphill repeats to tackle the hearty 3,800m D+, with downhill bursts to condition the legs not just to handle the long uphill sections but also enable them to handle the quad busting descents the course presents.
We also have a dedicated race group for any tips, tricks and ideas you and your fellow runners have, along with almost daily tidbits of information and advice we’ve gained from 33+ years of running experience.
Your coaches are always online, ready to answer any questions you have, so come train with us and let’s smash this race together!
3 - 12
Plan Start Date
Monday 26th June 2023
Race Date
Saturday 30th September 2023

RuNyanga 50km
A tricky 50k this, with a hefty 2,750m D+ in high altitude means you’ll have to train differently to a normal 50k race. Running through the hills in Nyanga will be such a treat, but best come in prepared to enjoy the experience!
You’ll need to train smart with this one to handle the high altitude that runs between 1,559m and 2,555m. Our 12-week RuNyanga 50km training program not only covers the running training, but we also discuss everything from altitude acclimatisation to hydration tactics to drop bag and race pack advice.
Our structured 12-week coaching plan comprises BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, with sufficient rest and recovery built in to avoid injury. We've also included sufficient speed work to build your aerobic engine, uphill repeats to tackle the 2,750m D+ crammed into the RuNyanga 50k, and downhill bursts too to condition the legs not just to handle the long uphill sections but also enable them to handle the quad busting descents along the course.
We also have a dedicated race group for any tips, tricks and ideas you and your fellow runners may have along with almost daily tidbits of information and advice we’ve gained from 33+ years of running experience.
We aim to have you physically peaking and at your best going into the race, and are always online and ready to answer any questions you have.
Come train with us - let’s smash this training plan and race together!
3 - 8
Plan Start Date
Monday 10th July 2023
Race Date
Saturday 30th September 2023

RuNyanga 30km
Don’t let the distance fool you, you’ll definitely be working hard for this finish! High altitude running, decent elevation gain, technical terrain? All the makings of an epic race!
We discuss all of the above during your 12-week training plan to have you toeing the start line fitter than ever and also brimming with trail knowledge and tricks. The RuNyanga 30k will be an awesome experience, but come prepared so that you can fully enjoy it.
The course runs between 1,559m to 2,294m above sea level, so you’ll need to train smart with this one. And we make sure you do, with our 12-week RuNyanga 30k program where we discuss everything from altitude acclimatisation to hydration tactics to drop bag and race pack advice.
Our structured coaching plan comprises BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, with sufficient rest and recovery built in to avoid injury. We've included sufficient speed work to build your aerobic engine, uphill repeats to tackle the 1,700m D+ you’ll face during the race, with downhill bursts too to condition the legs to handle the long uphill sections as well as the quad busting descents.
There’s also a dedicated race group for any tips, tricks and ideas you and your fellow runners have, along with almost daily tidbits of information and advice we’ve gained from 33+ years of running experience.
We aim to have you physically peaking and at your best going into the race by being online almost 24/7 and ready to answer any questions or queries you have.
Come train with us - let’s smash this training plan and race together!
2.5 - 6.5
Plan Start Date
Monday 10th July 2023
Race Date
Saturday 30th September 2023