Hong Kong 100 Ultra Trail
HK100 Flex green light!
12-week Hong Kong 100 FLEX training plans are available in the app for race dates 21st Jan and 28th Jan - sign up and start training now!
Hong Kong 100
The HK100 is an epic event which requires ultra endurance and climbing skill with a back loaded race, involving stairs. Lots and lots of stairs. Unless you want to have destroyed quads, we highly recommend joining us for training for this one!
The quintessential Hong Kong Ultra! This epic race, part of the Ultra Trail World Tour, draws in the biggest names on the Asian and international running scene, and we’ve got plenty of experience running it so have built a carefully structured plan to help you finish this with style.
The structured 14 week training program is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, each with sufficient rest and recovery in between.
Steep descents and technical terrain requires targeted training and this is what we have in store, with an average of 5 sessions per week to train your legs and body to run efficiently via various hill repeats and tempo sessions.
You’ll need to save your legs for the latter half of the run with three big climbs during the final 23km. For this, we’ve incorporated Fast Finish long runs and various longer intensity hill sessions as your bread ’n butter to help you overcome these final hilly and stairy sections.
100km is no joke, and even less so when the heat and humidity of Hong Kong island kick in.
So let us guide you through the process, getting you ready to take on this epic event. Gar Yau!
4 - 12.5
Plan Start Date
Plan Race Date

Hong Kong Half 56
Don’t be fooled by the shorter course, the HK Half is just as epic as its 100k bigger sibling, and guess what? It has the same stairs, so get the quads ready!
Another back loaded race involving stairs in the heat and humidity. And unless you want to have destroyed quads, we highly recommend joining us for training for this one!
The structured 12 week training program is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, each with sufficient rest and recovery in between.
Steep descents and technical terrain requires targeted training and this is what we have in store, with an average of 5 sessions per week to train your legs and body to run efficiently via various hill repeats and tempo sessions.
You’ll need to save your legs for the second half of the run with three big climbs. For this, we’ve incorporated Fast Finish long runs and various longer intensity hill sessions as your bread ’n butter to help you overcome these final hilly and stairy sections.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security, this race is no joke, so let us guide you through the process, getting you ready to take on this epic event. Gar Yau!
4 - 10
Plan Start Date
Plan Race Date

Hong Kong Third 33
Short and fast with some rolling hills and two larger climbs, another beauty within the HK100 family of races. A mix of stairs, some technical trails and roads, this course requires solid all round running ability and strong quads to handle this 33k event.
Two large climbs with a peppering of rolling hills and the chance of some late winter heat and humidity means some solid training is needed in order to smash this run.
Our structured 12 week training program is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, each with sufficient rest and recovery in between.
Steep descents and technical terrain requires targeted training and this is what we have in store with an average of 4 sessions per week, all to train your legs and body to run efficiently via various hill repeats and tempo sessions.
You’ll also need enough power for your legs for the second half of the run with the large climb up Tai Cham Koi. For this, we’ve incorporated Fast Finish long runs and various longer intensity hill sessions as your bread ’n butter to help you retain enough fuel in the tank in order to overcome this final hilly section.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security, this race is no joke, so let us guide you through the process, getting you ready to take on this epic event. Gar Yau!
3 - 7
Plan Start Date
Plan Race Date

Hong Kong Flex 100
NB: flex plans will be in the app by Sunday 30th October...
Unable to make the HK100 official event? Running virtually? Don’t worry, you won’t be alone, the Float team has a plan and support group that will get you primed and ready for your solo adventure on either 21st or 28th of January 2023!
Like the HK100 race itself which requires ultra endurance and climbing skills and the ability to tackle stairs… lots and lots of stairs… we’ve prepared a shortened plan to help you get the quads ready in time for 2 different dates: Saturday 21st January and Saturday 28th January 2023.
Shortened doesn’t mean easier or less prepared, we’ve just had to make a few adjustments to our regular 14-week 100km plan to try and help as many runners as possible be ready for an attempt at the backend of January.
If you’re going to attempt an earlier date, we won’t be able to train you up sufficiently in time (never recommend anything less than 12 weeks for a 100km build-up), but you’re welcome to reach out to us for advice and we’ll direct you to the next best alternative!
The structured 12-week training program is broken down into BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER blocks, each with sufficient rest in between to aid muscle recovery and growth.
The steep descents and technical terrain of Hong Kong require targeted training and this is what we have in store, with an average of 5 sessions per week to train your legs and body to run efficiently via various hill repeats and tempo sessions.
We’ve incorporated Fast Finish long runs and various longer intensity hill sessions as your bread ’n butter to help you overcome any hilly and stairy sections you encounter on your solo run.
100km is no joke, and even less so when the heat and humidity of Hong Kong island kick in, so we’ve peppered the training plan with loads of advice on how to handle the heat and make it safely home.
We’re here to guide you through the process, getting you ready to take on this epic event. Gar Yau!
NB: please make sure you pick the right virtual attempt date plan in the app as we have timed them to start on an exact date to make either the 21st or 28th of January and the plans can’t be changed once you sign up!
4 - 12.5
Plan Start Date
31/10/2022 and 07/11/2022
Plan Race Date
21/01/2023 and 28/01/2023