Distance Training Plans
10km Free
Whether you're a complete running novice or have previously completed a 5k, this plan will get your body ready whilst enjoying the journey and training process.
During our carefully curated 8 week focused training plan, your muscles will gradually build and strengthen, enabling you to hit a comfortable 10k goal.
Our program provides enough time on feet and running endurance training for you to manage this distance with ease. Sufficient time between training sessions helps the body rest and recover and prevents injury. Recovery is a key part of the training; recovery is important!
Our training days maximise your valuable time out on the road/trail, we want you to run smart, not hard.
We also incorporate a regular stride session (short bursts which elevate the heart rate and open up your legs), to get your heart rate and effort up, but not to exhaustion. They may seem tough at first, but over time they become easier. We'll go into more detail in the plan, and they will get easier over time, we promise!
We include easy days, rest days, speedwork and long runs, starting with 3 sessions building up to 4 per week during peak weeks.
We work off 3 blocks: BASE, BUILD, and finally TAPER/RACE. Our training is unique and works on time-based sessions, not distance. Each and every one of us is different and we can't assume 2km will take “xx” amount of minutes for all so have adapted our speed work sessions into time based intervals.
1 - 2.5

21km Half Marathon
The 21k run has become a very popular distance with those wanting to improve on the 10k distance and expand their running journey, and we’ve got a badass plan to help you smash a comfortable 2hr finish!
During our carefully curated 12 week training plan, your muscles will gradually build and strengthen, enabling you to run a comfortable 21km race.
We recommend previous 5k or 10k experience and a general base line of run fitness, but not essential, as 12 weeks is ample time to have anyone ready to run 21k.
Our program provides enough time on feet for you to adapt to the stressors that 21km worth of non-stop running presents. Sufficient time between training sessions helps the body rest and recover and prevents injury. Recovery is a key part of the training; recovery is important!
We include training sessions that maximise your valuable time out on the road; we want you to run smart, not hard! We incorporate regular “stride” sessions (short bursts to elevate the heart rate and open up your regular stride), to get your effort up, but never to maximum zone. They may be tough at first but over time they become easier, and you may even start to enjoy them, who knows!?
Our program also includes easy days, rest days, speedwork and long runs. We work on 3 to 4 sessions per week and build up intensity during peak weeks, following a BASE, BUILD, PEAK, and finally TAPER and RACE block training style.
Our training follows time based sessions, not distance. Each and every one of us is different, so we can't assume 2k will take “xx” amount of minutes for all and have adapted these speed work sessions into time based intervals. The harder you run though, the further you’ll go within a session.
This program targets a 2hr intermediate half marathon finish time, but as the time-based training sessions provide the same exertion for all, those who are naturally faster runners will crush a faster race time by the end of the program.
2.5 - 4.5

42km Full Marathon
That bucket list distance for many. The 42k plan caters for those who want to build their running career upping the distance from a previous 21k event up to the big daddy, the FULL MARATHON.
The float marathon training plan consists of 12 weeks of focused training, maximising your running fitness in minimal time. Our 12 week plan is broken up into 4 distinct training blocks: BASE, BUILD, PEAK, and finally TAPER and RACE.
21k experience is not mandatory but a solid base fitness with decent running physique would be required to undertake our 12 week marathon plan.
Sufficient time between training sessions helps the body rest and recover and prevents injury whilst increasing longevity. Recovery is a key part of the training; recovery is important!
Everyone is short on time these days, be it social events, work or family commitments (or all of the above), and that’s why here at float, we train smart, not hard.
Make no mistake, by no means is this an easy plan but for those short on time and want to maximise your efforts, then this is the plan for you. Every workout is curated to get the best out of you, slowly building up strength to take on the marathon distance and enjoy it at the same time.
This plan involves a mix of speed work, easy days, progressive efforts and longer weekend runs. Our plans start every Monday and after joining, access to your training RACE CREW which allows you to chat with other runners targeting a solid marathon finish. Come join us - let’s smash it!
3 - 6.5

42km Fast Marathon
This FAST marathon programme aims for a sub-3 hour marathon finish, building your threshold engine, upping your overall speed, giving you the best chance of getting into that coveted sub-3 club.
The plan consists of 12 weeks of focused training, maximising your running fitness in minimal time, broken up into 4 distinct training blocks: BASE, BUILD, PEAK, and finally TAPER and RACE. Sufficient time between training sessions helps the body rest and recover and prevents injury whilst increasing longevity. Recovery is a key part of the training; recovery is important!
This training programme is peppered with various speed and endurance sessions getting you primed for this fast 42k goal.
Everyone is short on time these days, be it social events, work or family commitments (or all of the above), that’s why here at float, we train smart, not hard. Make no mistake, by no means is this an easy plan but for those short on time and want to maximise your efforts, then this is the plan for you.
Every workout is curated to get the best out of you, slowly building up strength to take on the Marathon distance and enjoy it at the same time. This plan involves a mix of speed work, easy days, progressive efforts and longer weekend runs.
Our FAST Marathon specific plans start every Monday and after joining, access to your training RACE CREW which allows you to chat with other runners targeting a sub-3 marathon so you can share the journey with them. Come join us and we’ll guide you through this 12 week program and join the elite sub-3 speed demons!
4 - 7

50km Ultra
You know what they say? The gateway to an ultra addiction all starts with the 50k! Just being here shows you are a runner of great strength and character.
This structured 12 week plan builds on your previous running experience to get you to complete (and smash!) your first 50k ultra marathon! We base this 50k plan off a race (or virtual run) using a base elevation of 1600 - 1800m D+.
Our program is broken up into four training blocks: BASE, BUILD, PEAK and TAPER. We have provided a sequence of sessions to build on your base fitness, add to your endurance and boost your stamina in order to endure an ultra of this length.
Your training will consist of 4 to 5 weekly sessions as we add in slightly longer efforts with more intensity as you strengthen and progress within the plan.
This plan involves a mix of speed work, hill work, easy days, progressive efforts and longer weekend runs, and ample rest and recovery days. Plans start every Monday and after joining, you get access to your training RACE CREW which allows you to chat with other runners targeting a 50k ultra.
We’d love to have you join us for this ultra journey, smash some solid training and get you primed for this popular ultra distance. Life begins at 50!
4 - 9

100km Ultra
Entering the realm of triple digit runs? Crazy, but we love it! You're well into the ultra running zone by this stage and now you can build on your previous experience and take it up a notch by undertaking this 100km plan.
This carefully curated 14 week plan builds on your previous running experience to get you to complete (and smash) a 100k ultra marathon!
We base this plan off a race (or virtual run) using a base elevation of 4000 - 4500m D+, and training is broken up into four distinct blocks: BASE, BUILD, PEAK, and TAPER. We have provided a sequence of sessions to build on your base fitness, add to your endurance and boost your stamina in order to endure an ultra of this length.
Your training will consist of 4 to 5 weekly sessions as we add in slightly longer efforts with more intensity as you strengthen and progress within the plan.
This plan involves a solid mix of speed and hill work, easy days, progressive efforts and longer weekend runs, and ample rest and recovery days. Plans start every Monday and after joining, you get access to your training RACE CREW which allows you to chat with other runners targeting the triple digits club.
100k is no small feat. Triple digits. Come join us and we’ll have you primed to smash a hundie in no time at all and finish this distance like a boss. BOOM!
4 - 12.5