Training is tough at the best of times; plans are confusing, unrealistic, it’s hard to stay motivated, sometimes it’s hella lonely, time is short, and a dozen other reasons why some dreams start but then fall away
So we created float; the first running training community with coaches that will guide and support you along the way, no matter the distance or race!
Float Team
Training is tough at the best of times; plans are confusing, unrealistic, it’s hard to stay motivated, sometimes it’s hella lonely, time is short, and a dozen other reasons why some dreams start but then fall away
So we created float; the first running training community that will guide and support you along the way, no matter the distance or race!
Float Team
Our Core Principles
Keep training simple
No heart rate monitors, no zones, no confusing terminology, just easy to follow time and effort-based training sessions loaded with helpful running tips to make you an all-round better runner.
Keep training useful
Targeted sessions with explanations for the how and why of the exercise ensure you get maximum impact from your training time, and most importantly NO JUNK MILES!
Keep training accessible
No more spreadsheets and complicated plans costing a fortune. Plans are built for specific race profiles and conditions, easily available and easy to follow for runners of all abilities in our bespoke mobile app, all for the price of a craft beer per week.
Keep training personal
No automated responses, no radio silence, no overbearing coaching. If you’re self-motivated and like to train alone, great! If you want to discuss every detail of the run, also great! We’re available 24/7 and live for this so always happy to help as much or as little as needed, you do you.
Keep training social
Welcome to your Race Crew! A dedicated social feed in the app exclusively for runners doing the same race and distance as you. No outside noise, no distractions, no garbage, just a bunch of runners with the same goal all helping each other out with advice, local knowledge, and the ability to meet up for the odd run and beer before, during, and after the race.

Our Training Methodology
We’re not training elite runners who eat, sleep, and breath running with nothing but time to train all day every day. We’re training the people who need the option to chop & change, so we created plans that maximise your valuable time out on the road and trails, which can also be adjusted around busy working and life schedules. We want you to run smart, not hard!
Our training follows time and effort based sessions. Each and every one of us is different, so we can’t assume 2km will take “xx” amount of minutes for all, or that you can even run 2km to start with! So we have adapted our sessions into time based intervals based on your relative effort. The harder you run though, the further you’ll go within a session.
Our plans include easy runs, hill work, speed work, long runs, and rest and recovery sessions. We work on 3 to 5 running sessions per week depending on the plan, but all of them build intensity during the process, following a 4-block “Base”, “Build”, “Peak” and “Taper & Race” approach. We build sufficient rest and recovery in between each block to avoid burnout from the dreaded ‘training load’, and we train smart to have you at the start line peaking physically!
We incorporate regular “stride” sessions (short bursts to elevate the heart rate and open up your regular stride), hill work, and tempo sets to get your effort up, but never to maximum zone. Things may be tough at first, but over time they become easier, and you’ll even start to enjoy them, we promise!!
No more junk miles! We focus on effort and intensity over volume; train smart not long and spend more time with friends and family
So if you dig hitting trails, pounding tarmac, looping the track, or just starting out on your running journey, we will guide you through a structured plan and help you achieve your goals!
Everyone’s a runner, they just don’t know it yet!
Check out our Runners Bag
full of useful items and news
Our Training Methodology
We’re not training elite runners who eat, sleep, and breath running with nothing but time to train all day every day. We’re training the people who need the option to chop & change, so we created plans that maximise your valuable time out on the road and trails, which can also be adjusted around busy working and life schedules. We want you to run smart, not hard!
Our training follows time and effort based sessions. Each and every one of us is different, so we can’t assume 2km will take “xx” amount of minutes for all, or that you can even run 2km to start with! So we have adapted our sessions into time based intervals based on your relative effort. The harder you run though, the further you’ll go within a session.
Our plans include easy runs, hill work, speed work, long runs, and rest and recovery sessions. We work on 3 to 5 running sessions per week depending on the plan, but all of them build intensity during the process, following a 4-block “Base”, “Build”, “Peak” and “Taper & Race” approach. We build sufficient rest and recovery in between each block to avoid burnout from the dreaded ‘training load’, and we train smart to have you at the start line peaking physically!
We incorporate regular “stride” sessions (short bursts to elevate the heart rate and open up your regular stride), hill work, and tempo sets to get your effort up, but never to maximum zone. Things may be tough at first, but over time they become easier, and you’ll even start to enjoy them, we promise!!
No more junk miles! We focus on effort and intensity over volume; train smart not long and spend more time with friends and family
So if you dig hitting trails, pounding tarmac, looping the track, or just starting out on your running journey, we will guide you through a structured plan and help you achieve your goals!
Everyone’s a runner, they just don’t know it yet!
What Do You Get When You Sign Up?
A plan geared specifically towards a race or distance
Sessions that accommodate modern hectic schedules
Training in your pocket, wherever you go
Full coach support on your terms
Access to an exclusive community of people training for your race only - no outside noise!
Float App
How the App Works
Race Specific Plans kick off 12- to 16-weeks before the race
Each week you’ll get the upcoming week’s sessions in the app, including details from us on how to approach the week, what the terminology means, tips & tricks, and more
The notes let you contact the coaches directly, share thoughts with your Race Crew, or save something down for your own reflection
We aim to answer all comments and questions within 48hrs max, but if we’re running then one of the other members can jump in, everyone helps everyone out!

Distance Plans kick off every Monday when you’re ready to roll
Track your progress at the end of each day with how much of the training you completed, how you felt, and any other notes you want to add
You can bounce in & out of the Race Crew at your own pace: ask questions, post progress updates, meet new people running the same race, arrange training runs (& beers), get local knowledge, anything really
Can’t run on a certain day? Not a problem, swap the day out with another within the week, it’s your plan!

10km Free
Whether you're a complete running novice or have previously completed a 5k, this plan will get your body ready whilst enjoying the journey and training process…

21km Half Marathon
The 21k run has become a very popular distance with those wanting to extend on the 10k distance and expand their running journey, and we’ve got a badass plan to help you smash a comfortable 2hr finish…

42km Full Marathon
That bucket list distance for many. The 42k plan caters for those who want to build their running career upping the distance from a previous 21k event up to the big daddy, the FULL MARATHON…

42km Fast Marathon
This FAST marathon programme aims for a sub-3 hour marathon finish, building your threshold engine, upping your overall speed, giving you the best chance of getting into that coveted sub-3 club…

50km Ultra
You know what they say? The gateway to an ultra addiction all starts with the 50k! Just being here shows you are a runner of great strength and character…

100km Ultra
Entering the realm of triple digit runs? Crazy, but we love it! You're well into the ultra running zone by this stage and now you can build on your previous experience and take it up a notch by undertaking this 100km plan…

Sydney Marathon
The float Sydney Marathon involves a predominantly out and back course which takes solid mental strength and fortitude to complete, and we’ll help you complete it in style…

Berlin Marathon
Well known for being flat and fast, the beautiful Berlin Marathon takes you through the sleepy streets, bobbing and weaving your way through the city, and we’ll help you get through it in style…

London Marathon
With more than 40,000 runners, the camaraderie is something to behold during this world famous marathon! Join us and others like yourself training for this memorable and ultimate bucket list marathon…

Chicago Marathon
The float Chicago Marathon involves a beautifully flat course and supportive crowd that lends itself to faster finish times, and with us it’ll get even faster…

Ultra Trail Australia 50/100km
Just like the UTA 50, the UTA 100 is a flatter & faster 100k with more than 60% of the running on fire roads and tar, and we’ll make sure you’re primed to smoke the long, flat sections and finish like a boss…

TransLantau 50/100/140
The TransLantau 140, a new entry on the UTMB© circuit, has previously made its name with the 100km course as a race that needs intense training in order to complete, and that’s why we’re here…

Ultra Trail Cape Town 35/55/100/170
New for 2022, UTCT have just launched their flagship 100 miler and like yourselves we are frothing to get training for this and head out there on virgin trails to smoke this epic new event…

Lantau Trail 70
The course entails a loaded first half with the majority of climbs within the first 20km. And with nearly 25km of flat/catchwater you’d think this would be an easy latter half? But you would be wrong. Very wrong…

Singapore Half & Full Marathon
That bucket list distance for many. The Singapore 42k plan caters for the 12,000 runners taking on this flat and hot full marathon…

Hong Kong
The HK100 is an epic event which requires ultra endurance and climbing skill with a back loaded race, involving stairs. Lots and lots of stairs. Unless you want to have destroyed quads, we highly recommend joining us for training for this one…

Paris Marathon
The Paris Marathon involves a generally flat course peppered with cobblestones in the latter stages, which will test your resilience as you push into the final stretch towards the finish line…

San Francisco Marathon
A generally hillier course, our 12 week float San Francisco Marathon plan prepares you accordingly for the rigours this race brings…
Take your running training to the next level
If you have any more questions about training or our approach, fire us a message below. Unless we’re out on the trails ourselves we’ll get back to you ASAP!